Welcome to Norgas! This is part of a world book describing the northernmost province of The Lands Left Behind, a fantastical continent.

Norgas is a backwater. Characterized by frozen tundra, towering mountains, and the largest desert on the continent, there is little appeal to the province. However, what it lacks in habitability it makes up for in natural wonder. Norgas is beautiful. From the majesty of the Skirhem Range and its towering Traeskir, to the veritable sea of lush grasslands in Viremar, to the somber hues of deep purple and blue that grace the peaks of Icasz’z Range at dawn. There is much to see, and if you are patient enough and curious enough, there are mysteries to unravel as well. Magic that dates back to the very conception of the universe. Secrets that shape the very land around you. Lies so well hidden that they have held true for centuries.

Map of Norgas

Northernmost Province of The Lands Left Behind

But first, we must understand how all this wonder came to be….

Skirhem Range


The World’s Grave

Icasz’s Range